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Services / Adult ADHD Diagnosis & Treatment

Adult ADHD Diagnosis & Treatment

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Adult ADHD Treatment and Medication Management w/ Offices in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Manhattan, Lehigh Valley, Delaware, South Jersey and Delray Beach

We have received very positive feedback about our “ADHD Medication Shortage Guide” found here. This guide is meant to help both patients and providers, to navigate the ADHD stimulant medication shortage. It’s not medical advice, it’s informative only. Additional ADHD information and definitions can be found below.

Disclaimer about the Prescription of Controlled ADHD Medications at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates

Our providers have strict rules regarding the prescription of controlled medications. Please review our controlled medication contract, when setting up an appointment. For example, we do not re-fill lost or stolen medications, we do not write for early refills, and if a patient breaks our controlled medication contract (for example, by taking more medication than they are prescribed, or filling similar medications with other providers), it is grounds for termination of care. Additionally, there should never be an expectation that a patient scheduling with our office will be guaranteed a prescription for a controlled medication, even if they previously received a diagnosis of ADHD, or state they previously did well with a specific medication (we do our own evaluations). If you feel that you “need” a controlled medication or stimulant, we’re not the right practice for you.  If you feel that you are having distress, and would like a medical professional to perform a thorough evaluation, and discuss their recommended options and a treatment plan – we are. We will take our time making an accurate diagnosis, and we will treat that diagnosis appropriately.

What is Adult ADHD?

Richard D’Amato, CRNP of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates offers in-office and virtual appointments.

Adult ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can manifest as a persistent difficulty with attention, hyperactivity and/or impulsivity that interferes with function or causes distress. Adult ADHD is typically treated by providers specializing in mental health (psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners). There are also psychotherapists and psychologists who specialize in the non-pharmacological treatment of Adult ADHD (see “ADHD Skills Training” under services in the top menu).

Why would I have problems with ADHD as an adult? I thought only kids had it.

Although ADD and ADHD are often diagnosed when individuals are children, symptoms can persist through adulthood and continue to cause difficulty with work or in other settings warranting treatment. It is a common misconception that all individuals with ADHD “grow out” of their symptoms in adulthood.

Can someone develop ADHD as an Adult?

Symptoms of ADD or ADHD must be present during childhood in order to make a diagnosis. However, if an individual has mild illness, has a particularly supportive environment, or is of high intelligence, they may be able to compensate for their symptoms until their school, work or life demands pass a certain threshold (such as starting college, graduate school, having a child, or a new job). Thus, individuals do not develop the illness as an adult, but rather their symptoms become problematic as an adult.

Why should I see a Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner if I think that I have Adult ADHD?

Difficulty with focus can be the result of non-psychiatric medications, medical illness, the onset of a mood or anxiety disorder, alcohol or illicit substance use, stress, diet or difficult life circumstances. Often individuals assume that they have adult ADD or adult ADHD (when in-reality, the root of their symptoms lies elsewhere). On the contrary, individuals often fail to recognize that they have a treatable medical illness (ADHD) if they were not diagnosed as a child. Proper diagnosis and psychiatric treatment requires a full medical and psychiatric workup (often including laboratory studies). This requires medical professionals like Psychiatrists and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners (as opposed to therapists and psychologists).

What types of treatments are available for Adult ADHD in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Southern New Jersey, Manhattan or my Area?

Best treatment for adult ADHD should be tailored to the individual and can consist of therapy, psychiatric medication management and/or behavioral modification. It is vital that the physician or mental health provider take into consideration life stressors that could be affecting concentration, behaviors that could be improved to increase productivity, any history of substance abuse or dependence (as some medications should be avoided or used with caution) and the possibility of a new onset mood or anxiety disorder when making a diagnosis and starting adult ADHD treatment.

Dr. Chris Pagnani of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates.

How can I find treatment for Adult ADHD in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Southern New Jersey, New York, or elsewhere?

There are several options for finding a doctor, psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner who treats Adult ADD or Adult ADHD in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Manhattan, Delaware or other areas that we serve.


  • Discuss recommended providers with your primary care provider (PMD), OBGYN, Psychotherapist or other trusted medical and/or mental health professional.
    • Quality providers will be recommended by other quality providers.
  • Avoid high volume “one-size-fits-all” online companies and practices, who either only treat ADHD, or only prescribe a select # of highly addictive medications for its treatment.
    • We may be biased, but if a provider writes every patient that they see for one or two medications, at high doses, and those medications are highly addictive… that provider may not be 1) properly educated in the treatment options and management of ADHD 2) not interested in taking the time to formulate an individualized plan for their patients 3) more focused on their volume of patients and income, than patient care 4) blindly ignoring the abuse potential and inherent risks of certain medications 5) acting in a way that is unethical and/or (frankly) illegal. I’m hoping that you’ll agree, these are not qualities to look for in your medical provider.

Additional: ADHD is a medical illness that deserves proper treatment and management, just like any other medical illness. Medications like stimulants (controlled medications for ADHD) do have a place in patient care, for the appropriate patient. With that said, they’re not appropriate for everyone, and there are a great deal of options for ADHD management. We’ll be happy to have a long evaluation, review your records, and discuss all options, risks and benefits, for your treatment. You deserve that.

Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates evaluates and treats individuals at our in-office locations in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Center Valley, Paoli, Manhattan, Wilmington, Collingswood and Delray Beach. We additionally offer Telehealth services, to appropriate patients based on state and federal guidelines. Call for information.

For Mental Health Resources in your local community, select the Rittenhouse location closest to you, from the “locations” tab. You can also visit our Resources page, for national resources.

Visit our Youtube Channel to search 100+ videos on various mental health topics including ADHD

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Schedule with Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates for ADHD Medication Management.

Offices in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Manhattan, Lehigh Valley, Delaware, South Jersey and Delray Beach, Florida. 

Call Now: 267-358-6155 x 1

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