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Conditions / Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

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What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a psychiatric condition, where an individual is vulnerable to symptoms of depression, triggered by a change in the season. Depressions from Seasonal Affective Disorder typically start in the fall, or early winter, as days become shorter and the amount of total natural light that individuals are exposed to, decreases.

A depressive episode caused by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), mirrors the symptoms that individuals have in Major Depressive Disorder, with the difference being that someone who has SAD, has a pattern of the development of their depressions, based on the season.

How is it Different from the “Winter Blues?”

It’s not uncommon (and can be considered “normal”) for individuals to have slightly lower energy, or a little less motivation to get out of the house, during colder and darker months. These types of symptoms (and other mild symptoms) are often referred to as “Winter Blues.” However, individuals with Seasonal Affective Disorder have more significant symptoms, which may include:

  • Significantly depressed mood
  • Anhedonia: Difficulty enjoying things that one typically enjoys, or difficulty feeling positive emotions.
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Decreased confidence and lower self-esteem
  • Crying spells
  • Difficulty with focus and concentration
  • Significantly lower energy and motivation
  • Changes in appetite, or unexpected fluctuations with weight
  • Decreased libido
  • Disturbances with sleep (excessive sleeping, insomnia, or broken sleep)
  • Suicidal thoughts
    • Call 911 or 988 if you experience suicidal thoughts
  • Others

Seasonal Affective Disorder, and the episodes of depression that it causes, are treatable medical conditions – not just a desire to stay inside, when the climate isn’t ideal.

How Common is Seasonal Affective Disorder or Winter Depression?

  • Approximately 5% of the US population suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
  • About 9% of the US population has had a depression in the last 12 months.
  • About 20% of individuals will suffer from a depressive episode (meeting criteria for a major depression) in their life time.

What are Risk Factors for Developing Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Risk factors for the development of Seasonal Affective Disorder or Winter Depressions include:

  • A diagnosis of another mood disorder, such as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD).
  • A family history of Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, or SAD.
  • Residing in latitudes far north, or south, of the equator (where there’s less natural sunlight) – or living in predominantly cloudy regions.
  • Vitamin-D Deficiencies: Sunlight increases Vitamin D, and a lack of sunlight may reduce it, which can affect serotonin (a healthy neurotransmitter, that affects mood).

What is Photo-Therapy or Light Therapy for Seasonal Depression?

Phototherapy (or Light Therapy) is a treatment option for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Winter Blues, where an individual exposes themself to a light that mimics natural sunlight (substituting for the decrease in natural sunlight, during the fall and winter months).

  • Treatments are typically 30- 60 minutes most mornings.
  • Recommended lights are 10,000 Lux (full-spectrum).
  • Lights should have appropriate UV filters (to protect against skin cancer, eye-damage, and/or other health risks).
  • Lights must typically be large and/or within close proximity (6- 24 inches) of a person’s face. Specific lights have specific requirements.
    • Use a reputable company, and follow all recommended instructions.
  • The light must enter through the person’s eyes, triggering a decrease in melatonin production in the brain (pineal gland) and increasing healthy brain chemicals, such as serotonin.
  • Lights should be used in the mornings or early in the day, as they could disrupt a person’s sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythm.

*Light therapy is not without risks. We recommend that individuals are supervised or under the guidance of a mental health professional, when using these products, particularly if they have Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD) or an insomnia disorder.

**If an individual has moderate to severe symptoms of depression, we greatly advise that they consult with a mental health professional, as additional treatment beyond light therapy may be indicated.

What Treatments are Available for Seasonal Affective Disorder & Depression, besides Photo-Therapy (light therapy)?

There are various treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Seasonal Depressions. They include:

  • Medication Management: Such as SSRIs/ SNRIs/ Wellbutrin (Buproprion) and other anti-depressant medications.
  • Psychotherapy
  • Phototherapy / Light Therapy (discussed above)
  • Behavioral Modification and activation: Such as recommendations for diet, exercise, additional time outside, sleep hygiene and others.

*EXERCISE – Studies suggest that exercise may be an effective way to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder and its depressions. With that said, effective exercise routines may be in the order of 45-60 minutes of aerobic exercise, most days of the week.

Do You Offer Both In-office and Virtual Online Psychiatric Appointments for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Winter Depression?

Yes, we offer both in-office and virtual online psychiatric appointments for the treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder & Depression.

Why Choose Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates for my Winter Blues, Seasonal Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment?

The providers at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates are academically oriented providers, most of whom teach, or have taught, at academic institutions. Our providers are Board Certified Psychiatrists and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners and we have several licensed and doctoral level therapists and psychologists. We are experienced in working with individuals who struggle with various psychiatric conditions, including Seasonal Affective Disorder & Winter Depression.

  • Board Certified Psychiatrists and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
  • Licensed Therapists and Doctoral Level Psychologists
  • Academically Oriented providers, most of whom teach, or have taught, at local Academic Institutions, such as Johns Hopkins Hospital & The University of Pennsylvania.
  • Appointments generally available within 2 weeks.
  • In-office and online Virtual Appointments for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Seasonal Depression.
  • Providers experienced in treating co-occurring psychiatric conditions.
  • Providers who are welcoming to all individuals.

Contact Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates to Schedule

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