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Why Consider Psychiatric Medication Management?

Psychiatric medication management may be a recommended part of a patient’s treatment plan. At Rittenhouse Psychiatric

Emily Bernstein, MD. Director of Women’s Mental Health at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates.

Associates, we pride ourselves in performing thorough initial psychiatric evaluations, understanding the patient’s psychiatric condition and any contributing or confounding variables. We will then work with our patients to devise an individualized treatment plan, which may or may not include the prescription of a psychiatric medication, for their specific psychiatric difficulty. A patient’s mental well-being is often the result of the interactions of several variables, including (but not limited to):

  1. The patient’s life-story and any history of trauma(s)
  2. The patient’s personality, and any vulnerabilities that may be affecting their emotional state
  3. Behaviors, such as alcohol or other substance use
  4. Habits and routine, such as exercise, diet and meditation
  5. Relationships (platonic, romantic, work and others)
  6. Medical illness, such as thyroid disease, vitamin deficiencies, auto-immune disorders and neurological conditions, which could be causing someone to have symptoms such as anxiety or depression
  7. Psychiatric illness, which could be targeted by medication management

By keeping in mind that our patients are not simply a singular “diagnosis,” but that their mental state is the culmination of all of the above factors, we’re able to limit the number of medications utilized (as well as their doses), when treating patients with medication management in-office, or virtually throughout the states that we serve: PA, NY, NJ, DE, FL, CA and others.

Isn’t Psychiatry Different? Why not just exercise and go to therapy?

Exercise, psychotherapy, meditation and other strategies may be part of a patient’s holistic treatment plan. They may actually be an integral part of a patient’s treatment plan (or even the only part of a patient’s treatment plan). However, if someone’s psychiatric symptoms and/or illness are moderate or severe, medication management may be not only recommended, but required. Consider the following:

  • If a patient has mildly elevated cholesterol, or slightly high blood pressure, their doctor may recommend a low-fat diet and increasing exercise. However, if their cholesterol or blood pressure is very high, medication management may be an integral part of that patient’s treatment plan. It would be silly for a patient or physician to think that someone could decrease their cholesterol from 350 to 150 by merely eating more veggies, or doing a few pushups. This analogy an be used in psychiatry as well. Mild illness may respond to non-pharmacological treatments such as diet, exercise, and therapy, but moderate to severe symptoms may require medication management to bring symptoms to a tolerable level.

What Conditions do you Treat with Psychiatric Medication Management?

Conditions that we treat with medication management at Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates (both in-office and virtually via Telehealth Psychiatric Appointments) include:

  • ADHD and Attention Disorders
  • Agoraphobia
  • Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome & Alcohol Dependence
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD)
  • Dysthymia
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Insomnia & Sleep Disorders
  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  • Mood Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Opiate Dependence
  • Perimenopausal Anxiety, Depression & Insomnia
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
  • Panic Attack Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Social Anxiety
  • Others: Call for questions related to your specific psychiatric condition and medication management with our practice.

When Should I Consider Psychiatric Medication Management?

If your psychiatric symptoms are moderate to severe in intensity, an evaluation with a specialist who has the ability to recommend and prescribe psychiatric medications is warranted. Additional considerations that would warrant an evaluation for medication management:

  • Psychiatric symptoms that interfere with one’s ability to care for themself
  • Symptoms that affect one’s occupational life
  • Symptoms that affect one’s social life
  • Symptoms interfering with personal relationships
  • Chronic psychiatric symptoms (such as anxiety or low mood) that cause distress and have not responded to non-pharmacological treatments.
  • Acute symptoms that are worsening
  • Suicidal thoughts, psychosis or substance use difficulties – ALWAYS require an evaluation by an experienced clinician that can discuss options including medication management.

Where are your offices, Offering Psychiatric Medication Management?

In-office locations: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Center Valley (Lehigh Valley), Paoli (Main Line of Philadelphia), Collingswood, NJ, Manhattan, NY, Wilmington, DE, Delray Beach, FL.

Telehealth Virtual Medication Management to: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Florida, California and Others.

Why Choose Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates?

  • 25 Academically oriented Psychiatrists, Nurse Practitioners and Psychologists who trained at Institutes such as The Johns Hopkins Hospital, The University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
  • In-office and Virtual Telehealth Appointments within 1-2 weeks.
  • Evidenced-based and holistic care, which may or may not include medication management. We work with our patients to create an individualized plan that meets your specific needs and preferences for the treatment of your condition.
  • Providers licensed in PA, NJ, DE, NY, FL, CA and others. Office locations in Philadelphia, on The Main Line, Pittsburgh, Manhattan, Wilmington, DE and others.

Schedule with Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Evaluation, Diagnosis, Medication Management & Therapy.

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